Tan Ky Old House - A Historical Jewel in Hoi An

Old House of Tan Ky
Old House of Tan Ky

+50 Photos


The Tan Ky Old House, located in the heart of Hoi An, is more than just a historical building. It’s a window into the life of Vietnamese merchants in the 18th century. This house has been maintained by seven generations of the same family, preserving its original structure and the unique story it tells about Hoi An's past.

Historical Background

Built nearly two centuries ago, Tan Ky Old House is one of the oldest in Hoi An. It was constructed by a Vietnamese family of merchants, who were part of Hoi An’s flourishing trade community. The house is a blend of Vietnamese, Chinese, and Japanese architectural elements, reflecting the diverse cultural influences that have shaped the town.

Architectural Significance

The design of Tan Ky Old House is a remarkable example of the fusion of different architectural styles. The front part of the house, used for trading, showcases Vietnamese design, while the back, where the family resided, has a Chinese-influenced courtyard. The Japanese touch is evident in the carvings and the roof structure. Intricate wooden carvings and antique furniture adorn the interior, enhancing its historical ambience.

Preservation of Culture and Heritage

The preservation of Tan Ky Old House is a testament to the dedication of its owners to maintain their ancestral home. Despite challenges posed by weather and time, the family has kept the house in excellent condition, providing visitors with an authentic glimpse into Hoi An's historical lifestyle.

The Living Museum Experience

Visiting Tan Ky Old House is like stepping into a living museum. Each room and object has a story, offering insights into the daily life, customs, and business operations of a traditional Vietnamese merchant family. The house also features markings of historic floods, serving as a record of Hoi An’s environmental history.

Cultural and Educational Significance

Tan Ky Old House is not just a popular tourist attraction. It's an educational site where visitors can learn about Vietnamese architecture, family traditions, and the history of Hoi An. It provides a tangible connection to the past, bringing to life the stories and traditions of the Vietnamese people.

Experiencing Tan Ky Old House

For visitors to Hoi An, a tour of Tan Ky Old House is a journey through time. It’s an opportunity to experience the confluence of cultures and histories that have shaped this ancient town, making it an essential stop for those interested in Vietnamese heritage.

Tan Ky Old House stands as a proud historical jewel in the heart of Hoi An. It’s a living testament to the town's rich past, offering visitors a unique perspective on the cultural and architectural heritage that has made Hoi An a UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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Traveler Reviews

Showing 25 of 747 Reviews
Mooie indruk van een historisch Chinees handelshuis
photoreview-Jan-Paul van Atteveld-0
photoreview-Jan-Paul van Atteveld-1
The old house is very well preserved with plenty of artifacts and history of old Hoi An and the life of the merchant . Tan Ky was a very generous person who is still very respected in this city.
photoreview-Mitraputra Ganguli-0
惠安市內有許多古厝老宅被完整保存,其中進記古宅是其中最完整最重要的文物保存! 精雕細琢的橫楣直樑,讓人幽幽思古!
เป็นอาคารอายุ 300 ปีอยู่มา 7 generation ข้างในก็จะมีคนที่คอยทำอาหารให้ดู
Ciekawy i interesujący
Ďalší kus histórie, ktorí by ste mali vidieť.
photoreview-Brian Mládek-0
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photoreview-Brian Mládek-13
Very interesting, the local guide there is very helpful and kind. The grand children (6th generation) are living in the second floor of the house.
photoreview-linda rahmouni-0
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The best one in Hoi An. Must visit
Nice and worth the visit while strolling down the old city
photoreview-Si mon-0
photoreview-Si mon-1
photoreview-Si mon-2
Very rich experience to see an old house that was well maintened because of his strong structure. ☺️
photoreview-Bibi Dao-0
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Altes Wohnhaus einer vietnamesischen Familie,, bei Hochwasser evtl unter Wasser
Sublissime !
Quá đẹp luôn
Muy linda y muy bien conservada. El ingreso es con el ticket de la old town, cuando ingresas te hacen una mini visita guiada contándote la historia de las 7 generaciones de la familia que vivió y vive en la actualidad allí.
Worth the visit. They also give a small tour
Kiến trúc độc đáo rất giá trị
Para mi gusto la que mejor conservada y bonita es, muebles, vajillas y estructura bien conservadas, impresionante despues de varias subidas del nivel del agua durante su historia, que la han llegado a dejar casi sumergida. Recomendado gastar uno de los 5 tickets de la entrada aquí.
Этот старинный дом торговца показался нам самым интересным для посещения. Если не хватает времени и нет возможности посетить все дома из списка достопримечательностей, то я бы выбрала именно этот дом. Здесь выставлены интересные экспонаты прошлых веков, которыми пользовались 7 поколений этой семьи, кровать середины 19 века, витрина со значками-подарками (очень много значков из СССР) и др. Также в последней комнате на стене есть отметки, до какого уровня поднималась вода во время наводнений, которые здесь случаются в октябре и ноябре. Очень впечатляет. В продаже есть сувениры, но продавцы ненавязчивые, покупать ничего не заставляют.
베트남 호이안의 고풍스러움을 깊이 느낄수있는곳. 양옆으로 강변 카페들이 지친광광객이 강변을 바라보며 먹고쉬기에 좋습니다!
고대도시 들어오시면 꼭 한 번 들르시는 것을 추천합니다
Muy interesante ver estas antiguas casas de comerciantes que se conservan como en la época. Muy recomendable y no lleva más de 30 minutos visitarla.
Nice and quiet place.
photoreview-Rupayan Chakrabarty-0
photoreview-Rupayan Chakrabarty-1
photoreview-Rupayan Chakrabarty-2
This is one of the ancient houses you can enter with the tourist voucher. When you walk in, one of the employees will give you an informative tour of the house free of charge. It's a little crowded because it's narrow and one of the more popular preserved homes. However, it is popular for a reason and pretty cool once you learn more about the history of the family and their home.
清早騎著自行車 欣賞著古城美景 很漂亮
Muy bonita! Merece la pena uno de los 5 tiquets aqui
photoreview-Marta Marchukita-0

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