Long Son Pagoda
Long Son Pagoda

+91 Photos


Nestled in the heart of Nha Trang, Vietnam, Long Son Pagoda offers a serene escape, inviting travelers to immerse themselves in the tranquility of Buddhist spirituality. This ancient temple, with its intricate architecture and iconic white Buddha statue, stands as a symbol of cultural richness and historical significance.

Architectural Splendor

Long Son Pagoda showcases traditional Vietnamese temple architecture with its ornate carvings, colorful decorations, and adorned gates. The pagoda's multi-tiered structure stands as a testament to the craftsmanship of local artisans, blending visual appeal with a sense of cultural authenticity.

The White Buddha

Dominating the landscape at 24 meters tall, the white Buddha statue is a focal point of Long Son Pagoda. Positioned atop Trai Thuy Hill, the statue exudes peace and compassion, offering a poignant symbol for visitors to contemplate and admire.

Historical Roots

Dating back to the late 19th century, Long Son Pagoda has a rich history. Originally located elsewhere, the pagoda was later relocated to its current site on Trai Thuy Hill, undergoing renovations and expansions over the years. The temple encapsulates the enduring Buddhist heritage of the region.

Panoramic Views

Perched on Trai Thuy Hill, Long Son Pagoda treats visitors to panoramic views of Nha Trang and its surroundings. The climb to the pagoda becomes a rewarding experience, providing breathtaking vistas of the city, Nha Trang Bay, and the lush landscapes that define this coastal region.

Long Son Pagoda offers more than architectural and scenic beauty; it radiates a spiritual ambiance. Visitors can witness monks engaged in prayer and meditation, fostering a genuine experience of a working Buddhist temple. The rhythmic chants and the fragrance of incense contribute to a sense of tranquility and introspection.

Cultural Harmony

The pagoda represents a harmonious blend of traditional Vietnamese and Cham architectural styles, showcasing the cultural diversity of Vietnam. Long Son Pagoda becomes a symbol of cultural coexistence, where diverse influences seamlessly merge into a singular spiritual space.

Dragon Mosaics and Symbolic Decor

Throughout the pagoda's grounds, intricate dragon mosaics, tilework, and symbolic decorations captivate the eye. Each detail carries cultural significance, adding to the pagoda's aesthetic charm and enriching the visitor's understanding of Buddhist traditions.

Local Engagement

Long Son Pagoda isn't just an isolated attraction; it is integrated into a vibrant neighborhood. Visitors can explore nearby markets, sample local street food, and witness the daily rhythms of Nha Trang life. The pagoda becomes a central point within the broader canvas of local culture.

Long Son Pagoda, with its blend of architectural elegance, spiritual atmosphere, and panoramic vistas, stands as a tranquil oasis in Nha Trang. Whether drawn to its historical roots, the towering white Buddha, or the serene ambiance, a visit to Long Son Pagoda promises a peaceful retreat and a glimpse into the cultural heritage of Vietnam.

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Traveler Reviews

Showing 38 of 10,357 Reviews
날씨가 좋을때 가세요 계단얼마 안올라감 전망좋음
photoreview-Henry Yang-0
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재활용 한 훌륭한 건축물로서 국화로 꾸민 부처상이 압권이었다
대성당에서 걸어서 롱선사에 왔어요 20분 근처라서 산책 가능하고요 계단 올라서 보는 탁트인 시내가 좋고 코코넛 음료가 맛있습니다
여기서는 호객행위가 높아요 뭐든 노노 해야됩니다 ~
가볼 만 합니다. 엄청 웅장 하지는 않지만 짧게 계단 올라가고 시원한 바람 불고 좋아요
Điểm tham quan du lịch Nha Trang, phía sau chùa có tượng kim thân Phật Thích Ca Mâu Ni cao 28m, dưới đài tháp có 10 phù điêu tượng bán thân các chư tăng đã vị pháp thiêu thân cúng dường chư Phật
photoreview-Anh Kiet Tieu-0
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볼거리 많고 현지 느낌이 좋았음 시간 나면 한 시간 쯤 투자해서 와볼 가치가 있을 듯 날씨 좋으면 사진 잘나옴
Emocionante llegar donde esta el Buda , muy interesante
Намоленное место!
photoreview-kseniya smehovskaya-0
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A faire. Messieurs, ne venez pas en short si vous voulez accéder au temple.
조용하고 깨끗한 사찰 입니다 . 웅장한 부처님 과 와불이 모셔저 있는 인상적입니다.
Gửi xe máy ở trong chùa và không thu phí vào cổng. Rất nhiều xe tour chở khách nước ngoài đến đây tham quan. Mọi người sẽ đi bộ 5 phút bậc thang để đến được tượng Phật.
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Красиво! Особенно аллея около Будды, там мы встретили огромное колличество разнообразных бабочек. Тихое и приятное место.
photoreview-Даниил Нагель-0
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Nice view from the top
photoreview-1 2-0
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Вход бесплатный, людей достаточно много было, но обязательно стоит посетить, красиво, аутентично)
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NO need spend the money for motorbike to this place you can go by walk just only 165 steps
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Вход бесплатный! есто интересное, чуть ниже сидячего будды, есть лежачий будда, тоже большлго размера. А внутри этого сидячего белого будды есть храм и внутри сидит монах читает молитвы и бьет в колокольчик.
내려오셔서 입구에 파는 시원한 코코넛 꼭 드세요~ 입구에서 파는 게 시원합니다~ 25000동^^
입장료 무료이고 조용히 다녀오기 좋아요 많이 크진않아서 금방 둘러보고 다만 계단이나 오르막길 좀 있어서 어르신들은 조금 힘드실수있어요
Schöner Tempel. Die Statue ist beeindruckend. Um in den Tempel reinzukommen braucht man wie überall lange Kleidung.
Отличный обзор на Нячанг открывается когда поднимаешься к ногам Будды
photoreview-Vyacheslav S-0
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입장료는 따로 없습니다. 입구에서 오토바이로 꼭대기까지 태워준다고 호객하는데 계단이 조금 가파르지만 10분 정도만 올라가면 좌불상까지 갈 수 있습니다. 아래쪽 사원 내부에는 무릎보이는 복장은 들어 갈 수 없고, 가릴만한 천같은것도 빌려주지 않으니 참고하세요.
photoreview-Yong jin Choi-0
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Красиво, маршрут на 10 минут, лёгкий. Вход бесплатный, людей в понедельник было не очень много) Проход через храм, поэтому с открытыми плечами, декольте или коленками лучше не приходить - могут подойти местные и попросить прикрыться)
Một chùa lớn trong khu vực thành phố Nha Trang. Đáng để ghé thăm khi đến, khá đông khách vào dịp cuối tuần, lễ, tết.
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Красивый храм
Nơi tôn nghiêm, bạn nên mặc đồ dài qua gối. Tuy nhiên vào ban đêm chỗ cho mượn đồ quấn vào nghĩ sớm quá nên không đi tham quan được.
Chùa khá đẹp mỗi tội leo cầu thang hơi mệt
걸어올라가기 힘들지만 올라가면 너무 좋아요
Attraction à faire absolument lors d’une visite à Nha Trang, ce temple est un lieu de recueillement sacré. Attention à bien ramener de l’anti-moustique si on est en short, car les moustiques y sont nombreux et pas tendres.
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이른 오전시간이나 저녁늦게 불켜졌을 때 가도 예쁩니다. 낮에 더우면 오토바이맨 상인이랑 왕복 올라갔다와도 좋아요. 나쨩 전체뷰가 보입니다.
It's Buddha Temple, Big Temple with Big Statues of Different Buddha.
photoreview-Prajeet Jain-0
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힘들지 않으니 꼭 가보시자구요
가볼만 해요. 뷰가 좋아요. 너무 더운 시간대를 피해서 가세요
Amazing statue with great views of the city and the Vietnamese Eiffel Tower
On of few must have visit point in Nha Trang Nice view Free entrance Parking 10.000 dong

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